Agathe de PANTHOU
Date sworn in: 2011
Specialises in corporate law, transfers/restructuring and related tax issues.
Holder of a Master 2 in Business Law - DJCE from the University of CAEN
Practises collaborative law
Former member of the CAEN Bar Council
Areas of expertise
Business Transmission & Restructuring
Do you want to sell or buy a business?
Do you run a sole proprietorship and want to set up a company?
Would you like to restructure and optimize your group?
Tax law
Are you planning to incorporate taxation into your projects?
Would you like to optimize the tax impact of your operations?
Are you wondering about the tax constraints of your operations?
Company law
Do you want to set up a company but are unsure about the form it should take (SARL, SAS, etc.)?
Do you want to organise relations with your partners?
Do you need frequent legal advice for your company?